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What is Energy Matters Academy all about?

Energy Matters Academy is dedicated to helping you learn to see energy rather than just thinking or feeling it.

Intuitive energy is the wisdom inside your intuitive mind. Unlock profound insights within yourself by tapping into your intuition.

How do we do this?

We do this by moving out of the thinking mind and emotions and into our intuitive mind through meditation and visualization. 

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Benefits of Membership:


As a member of Energy Matters Academy Membership Library, you'll have access to a full array of classes and trainings designed to enrich your understanding and mastery of energy.

From foundational principles to advanced techniques, our classes cater to practitioners of all levels.

Plus, as a member, you'll receive early notifications of upcoming live training sessions so you never miss a chance to deepen your skills and insights in a live setting. 

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About the Teachers


Cody Edner

"To be grounded with your metaphysical abilities is very important if you are going to put your gifts to good use."

David Gandelman

"Meditation isn’t just about unplugging from life. It’s about cultivating self-awareness, and understanding who you are from the inside out."

David Gandelman

"Meditation isn’t just about unplugging from life. It’s about cultivating self-awareness, and understanding who you are from the inside out."

Marjorie Bratt

"We are all born with natural intuitive abilities. Learning these easy, powerful and very practical tools is life changing. Give yourself the opportunity to learn them."

Brandon Wilcox

"Everyone is a spiritual being with intuitive gifts and through practice both in class and in life you can step into your most enlightened self."

Brandon Wilcox

"Everyone is a spiritual being with intuitive gifts and through practice both in class and in life you can step into your most enlightened self."

Some of the Classes Inside

  • Awakening Your Spiritual Abilities

  • How to do an Intuitive Energy Reading on Yourself

  • Psychic Seeing vs Psychic Feeling

  • Psychic Tools for Empaths

  • 4 Day Intuitive Training

  • The Fundamentals of Seeing Energy

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